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Ravi Kulkarni


Lynn Turner


Developing your Business for the Future

7-part workshop series

Sponsored by Chicopee Chamber of Commerce

Workshop 1

Overview workshop on developing:

The Competitive Advantage:
workforce development that are based on future expectations.
Visionaries see what can be rather than what is. Learn how to foster that spirit. Baby boomers will retire in record numbers.

Workshop 2

Visionaries and their Vision
 Visionaries see what can rather than what is. Discover what it takes to become a visionary leader

Workshop 3

Training That is Right For You

A one size-fits-all training package cannot meet the needs of a diverse workforce. Find out how to identify your specific needs

Workshop 4

New Generation of Middle Managers:
Collaborative task-teams are the wave of the future. Learn how to foster that spirit 

Workshop 5

Workforce for Tomorrow:
 Your employees are your assets. Identify how to attract and retain them

Workdshop 6

Baby-Boomer and Brain-Drain Dilemma:
 Baby boomers will retire in record numbers. Create exit strategies that facilitate the transfer of knowledge

Workshop 7

Succession Strategies for Business Owners:
Discover the art of letting go comfortably and profitably

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