


I have considered what benefits that I have derived from you coaching me as I targeted my business development.


The result can be summed up in three words.

1) Direction

2) Instruction

3) Breakthrough


As you know, I have substantial business and management experience.  However, the one piece of the business puzzle that I was missing was sales and marketing.  And that piece caused me to struggle and slowed the growth of my business.  You provided me the direction to take when I really did not know where to turn.


You guided me through with process with your instructions and ideas, yet you made me do the "heavy lifting" rather that just giving me the answers.  We had some excellent conversations that made me think and consider carefully the approach/steps to take to advance my business.


Lastly I can attribute some personal break through to your coaching.  I "feared" cold calling and public speaking made my voice "crack".  


Now, I look forward to public speaking, in fact I actively pursue opportunities to speak in public.  Next Monday, I will be speaking at a meeting with 40-50 people attending (I only know one person in the group) and I am looking forward to it.  Previously, I would be a "nervous wreck" just knowing I had to speak in front of even the smallest group, even if the group was made up of people that I knew.  


Cold calling still is not something that I look forward to but I don't fear it and I am able to compartmentalize the frequent rejection in to "they just do not need my services just now" box.  And I am able to move forward with out any bad feeling.


To summarize, I believe I am in a much better position now that I was when you began coaching me.  And there is only one thing to attribute that to and that is your coaching and I thank you for it!



Etrepreneur - owner


Hi Ravi,


I would like to say that you are a natural coach.  You have a keen sense for identifying gaps and approaching the truth.  I respect that.  I am looking forward to collaborating with you and enjoy having someone to be accountable to on projects.   


Executive Coach


“Ravi Kulkarni is that rare human being who is completely transparent. He can be that way because his heart is pure and he always tells the truth. Ravi is highly intelligent in many ways. He is book smart and can remember long lists of facts. He is an engineer and uses his structural thinking ability to support clients to create structure for them. At the same time Ravi Kulkarni loves people. I believe his purpose in life is to help people grow. His children and clients' success feels like his own. Ravi brings focused attention and joy to every situation. He inspires with his presence.”


Sheila Kutner – The Communications Coach



Ravi you are a fine person!  It is obvious that you have given a lot of thought and time to this endeavor and you are committed to making a difference in the lives of young people. 


Ann - High School Teacher


"Through Ravi's personal coaching process, I have a deeper understanding of myself.  Ravi has helped me to generate momentum on my path to success.  His infinite support, strategies, and motivation have allowed me to look inward thus improving my overall outlook on my professional as well as my personal life.  Inner peace and elevated self esteem is the foundation that enables me to achieve my goals more quickly and effectively.  Thank you Ravi!"


Rick – Pro Golfer and sales Professional


"You have opened my eyes to many opportunities and issues. Thank you."

Nina B – Entrepreneur

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Effective Power Networking: How to make powerful contacts and cultivate the relations for personal and business growth

Beyond The Comfort Zone: How to start moving toward your goals by overcoming procrastination